Publisher | Sams |
Author(s) | Burke,Horvath |
ISBN | 0672312050 |
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Publisher | Sams |
Author(s) | Burke,Horvath |
ISBN | 0672312050 |
Publisher | Sams |
Author(s) | Robin Burk |
ISBN | 0672309521 |
Publisher | O'Reilly |
Author(s) | Arnold Robbins |
ISBN | 0596100299 |
Release Date | 26 October 2005 |
Publisher | Sams |
Author(s) | Dave Taylor |
ISBN | 0672323982 |
Release Date | 11 July 2002 |
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Publisher | Sams |
Author(s) | Robert Shimonski |
ISBN | 0672327643 |
Release Date | 15 June 2005 |
Page | 256 |
If you're in need of a quick, concise tutorial to learn Unix and get on your way, this is it. Sams Teach Yourself UNIX in 10 Minutes, Second Edition will help you quickly and easily learn UNIX essentials and review UNIX features and functions. You will master components of UNIX programming through clear, concise learning modules and step-by-step instructions without having to wade through a lot of fluff and theory. You will learn to:
Whatever your expertise level, Sams Teach Yourself UNIX in 10 Minutes will get you up and running with UNIX in no time.